Agile Delivery Kit for Software Organisations


How to work in an agile way. This starter kit provides the strategies, recipes. workshops, technologies, practices, and guides that will help you and your people create a way of work that enables success.


What, So What, Now What? (30m)

Liberating structure


2 minutes to read

Last Updated: Thu 9 May 2024 08:36


Together, Look Back on Progress to Date and Decide What Adjustments Are Needed


Round 1: “What have you seen, heard or observed during the Shift & Share? What facts or patterns stood out the most?” Round 2: “So, what does this mean to our work together in this and future Sprints?” Round 3: “Now, what adaptions to the Product Backlog or our release plan make sense? What needs to be added, removed or re-ordered?”;


  • (2 min) Introduce the steps and purpose of ‘What, So What, Now What’;
  • (6 min) Form groups of 4:
    • Introduce the invitation: “What have you seen, heard or observed? What stood out the most?”;
    • (1 min) Individually and in silence, invite everyone to reflect on the invitation and write down whatever comes to mind for them;
    • (5 min) In their group, people share their responses and work together to identify patterns. If people jump to interpretations (round #2) or conclusions (round #3) gently bring them back the purpose of round #1 by asking: “What did you notice that makes you say that?”;
  • (2 min) Groups share unique salient observations with the entire group.
  • (6 min) Within the groups of 4:
    • Introduce the invitation: “So, what does this mean to our work together in this and future Sprints?”;
    • (1 min) Individually and in silence, invite everyone to reflect on the invitation and write down whatever comes to mind for them;
    • (5 min) In their group, people share their responses and work together to identify patterns;
  • (6 min) Within the groups of 4:
    • Introduce the invitation: “Now, what adaptions to the Product Backlog or our release plan make sense? What needs to be added, removed or re-ordered?”;
    • (1 min) Individually and in silence, invite everyone to reflect on the invitation and write down whatever comes to mind for them;
    • (5 min) In their group, people share their responses and work together to identify patterns;
  • (10 min) Invite the groups to share their most important conclusions and collect them somewhere (e.g. on a flip). Prevent this from turning into a large-group discussion by inviting everyone to focus on sharing and listening;

References: Related papers and Articles

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